Monday, January 4, 2010

Rocky Road

Have I ever expressed how much I love Rocky Road? Breyers of course. Those chocolate covered nuts are a DEEE-light!

Have you ever really looked at your house? Like, deep down, looked at your house. You know, walls, baseboards, door jams? Carpet, lineoleum, paint color? Front door, back door, pantry door?

People, it's brutal!

There are holes and marks and dings and stains. There's wear and tear, burn out, and blow out.

I'm thinking my realtor wouldn't like me telling you all this.

But, the good news is: We've scrubbed, scraped, painted, plumped, mopped, moved, picked up, shut up, cleaned up, put down, taken out and done a once over more than once.

We had our first showing on Saturday and it was nerve-wracking. We were beheaded chickens. We were whirling dervishes.

And to think I get to do this at least 20 more times before an offer will even come in. Sah-weet. Now that sounds like a good time people!

Note: M. found a man's wedding band. I spent an hour calling neighbors, trying to find an owner. H. took it to church and made an announcement. No takers. Then, just now, M. comes running in....

M.: MOM! Where's that ring?

Me: Why?

M.: A lady was driving around the street where I found it and asked, "have any of you seen a man's ring around? My husband lost his ring here the other day."

Me: Sah-weet! I'll get it!

M: Took the ring out the door and we won't have to come up with a FOUND! sign for the mailboxes.

Got a big anniversary coming up. 15 years of wedded bliss. Why do we use that expression? I've heard it several times from different sources.

{fill in the blank} years of wedded bliss!!

Where did that come from?

I was just talking to a friend on the phone. When you get married you take a good long look at your potential mate and you say to yourself:

This person has these good qualities:

And this person has these not so great qualities:

Then you take a look in the mirror and you say, I have these great qualities:

And I have these NOT so great qualities:

And you realize, marriage is all about taking the bad with the good and knowing your spouse did the same and LOVING THE HECK OUT OF THEM for taking you with all your flaws and loving you anyway.

There's a reason the Lord said "and they twain shall be one."

I'm a better person because I'm married to Harold. There is no doubt in my mind that I made the 100% correct choice 15 years ago. My father told me I deserved the best, and he was right. And I chose the best.

And while the happily ever after part is yet to come.....I'm pretty happy with my Rocky Road.


Becky said...

You're selling your house!?!? Where will you live!?!? Penny Lane?

Brittany said...

i was going to ask you if we could have the wedding band if it never got claimed. wyatt lost #2 while in costa rica. :)

holy crap! you're turning 15 years! that is something to be proud of. and all though i think very high of harold - i think he get the very best from marrying you too.

i think rocky road is okay. i think it's the marshmallows that turn me off. weird.

Jeff said...

Interesting post.

Jana Brookes said...

hope selling the house isn't too much of a nightmare. i can only imagine all the ware and tare we have on our house. scary to think about!
hope your anniversary turns out great! you and h are a great couple!
oh, and you are hilarious!

Collette said...

Happy 15 years!

Holley said...

I know what you mean about crowding all of the important events of your life so close to being born. My anniversary is only a few weeks after Christmas too and there is never any money for something fun.

I'm sure you will have fun and be happy whatever you decide to do to mark the occasion.

So why are you moving?