Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Jalapeno Jelly

Um, ever tried it? Never underestimate the power of jalapenos and sugar in a crystal clear jar.

Get a cracker, spread on some cheese (preferably some derivative of cream cheese), and slap on some jelly. Mmmmmmmmm................

Thanks Julie!! (from whom I received my first bottle of JJ.....see it was meant to be, I always wanted to be known as JJ when I was a kid and no one EVER called me that! Now the JJ refers to a yummy green spread.) Mmmmmmmmm..........

The picture is courtesy (unasked) of JJ's blog:


Julie J. said...

You are very, very welcome, JJ.

Erin. said...

Had it. Made it. Love it. Need it.

Andie said...

Would love the recipe if you have it sounds so good! Mouth is now watering

Tiffany Tweedie said...

Sorry, just sounds wrong. Like pork ice cream!

Tiffany Tweedie said...

Oh, and I'll call you JJ and you can call me TT!


Jeff said...

Never had it. It kind if scares me.

Jeff said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Masters Of Disasters said...

That looks so yummy. I have been loving pepper jack cheese lately, and I'm thinking this could take its place!

The Wells said...

I probably at a whole jar by myself. Grandpa Alger and I finished of both jars that came to our house.

Now I want spring to come so I can plant some jalapenos and then take them to Julie to make into jelly.

Reed H. said...

Never had it, but it sounds strangely enticing. Jalapeno Jelly Bellies are surprisingly good...but don't eat them with the other ones.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!