Monday, January 11, 2010

This Year's Motto

Two years ago we decided to adopt a family motto for the year. The year 2008 was the "Year of Positive Thinking." We adopted the motto on January 1 and on January 3 I won a trip to Disneyland for four. Needless to say, the Nichols family started REALLY believing in our yearly motto.

Last year, 2009, our motto was.....hmmmm.....can't remember. Seriously, we came up with one, but I'm not sure it really took.

So, last night the kids want us to come up with our motto for 2010. I was on the computer in the basement, Harold was fiddling around with something or other on his iPod...but they persisted. They brought both he and I a scrap of paper and a pen and insisted we write a motto for 2010.

At first I declined, I'm busy! I said. They came back, they showed me the paper and pen....come on mom!!

So, I wrote down my motto.

Ok, I'm not the most original person, but I got a kick out of it. I folded up my paper and sent the kiddos scampering off.

A few minutes later they reappeared in the basement with our new motto for 2010. They had combined all the entries to reflect how each family member felt about this coming year. Now, before I unveil the new motto, I'd like to recap everyone's entries, exactly as written.

H: The year of becoming strong.
J: 2010: The Year of Living Dangerously.
S: The Year of wishes! (coming true)
M: The Year of Following Your Dreams!

Without further adieu.........drum roll please.......

The Nichols Family Motto for 2010:
The year of dangerously following your dreams and wishes strongly!!

Now, that's a motto I can really support!


Brittany said...

i love it!

Marilyn said...

Love it! What a fabulous idea! I might have to steal it from you.

Julie J. said...

I love it! I want that to be my motto too!

Jana Brookes said...

great motto! so cute that your kids want you to come up with a yearly family motto! i'm excited for my kids to do stuff like that!

Bridget said...

I love your kids :)

Holley said...

I'm so jealous that you have kids who still dream and wish and want to include you in their motto making.

Becky said...

That COOL! I want a cool motto! And I forgot to leave a comment on your last post...I love Jalapeno jelly too!!! Julie sent us a jar! Yum!