Saturday, May 23, 2009

Further Proof

I now have further proof that I am not just another mother singing her child's praises. Last night my daughter won two awards for choir. Both of these medals she received by a majority vote of her peers.

1. Best Solo Performance.
2. Soprano Leader.

Have I already mentioned what a terrific daughter I have? Medals or not, she rocks the house!


The Wells said...


Holley said...

Fantastic. Way to go Sav!!!

mom/Janet said...

You're a sweet mother.

Jules said...

Can you say American Idol here I come?

Katie said...

Dang...why didn't you tape it?! You FOOL! j slash k.

Its always nice to have others back up your own thoughts of your child even though you seem like you'd give unbiased praise.

(i would have bawled too.)