In about four hours it will be official, I will have been on this earth for 38 years (I was born at 4:55 a.m.). There is one thing I have always been grateful for when it comes to birthdays.....my brother Paul has always been older. For some reason this little fact pleases me and makes any pain at getting old kind of disappate. Plus, if you are going to have a birthday on a holiday, pick Halloween. It feels like the whole world parties with me. I will be dressing in my usual costume, the one I have been using year after year for about 26 years now, I am dressing as.....drum roll please.....the birthday girl. This costume comes in very handy because essentially I can pick any outfit I want and when people ask what I am dressed as I tell them "I'm the Birthday Girl" and they, with a smile, wish me a happy birthday. When it comes down to it, I enjoy a day that is all about me. Who cares about the dumb candy anyway, I get birthday cake. So what if people dress up? I get presents. So what if the doorbell rings all night? I get tacos for dinner. So what if teenagers who are way too old and whose parents should be laying down the law are out trick-or-treating? If they are older than 12 I make them sing Happy Birthday to me before I hand over the Kit Kat. All in all, I love my birthday and I don't care if I am 38 or 78 I am going to live it up and have a grand time.
P.S. One little bummer? I am skipping two classes to attend the Halloween parade at the kids' school. I wouldn't care normally but I am getting a test back in History and a paper back in an English class. Dang, I am desperate for those grades but it will have to wait because the little kiddie parade is the highlight of my day/year. I get to watch the best looking Hannah Montana and the cutest little pirate parade past me. [Happy sigh]